Collection Optimization

In today’s world, economic fragility is a turbulance and regardless of the size, any country or sector can come across with it. Collections is a pivotal experience between a company and its customers, it can either break the connection or strengthen the ties.Banks and other lending institutions are experiencing constant stress in their loan portfolios as a result of financial crisis periods and recession times which has proved to be slow to recover. In many cases the institutions increase their traditional collections capacity and efforts (more staff, more letters, more calls) and forget how their resources and customers are sensitive to this process.

Maximize Collected Amount

Decrease Customer Churn

Decrease NPL

Decrease Operational Cost

Early Warning

Non-performing assets are one of the biggest challenges facing the global banking system, it is crucial to identify a problem before a customer encounters serious credit challenges.A high performance early warning model should include identifying the right customer segment, understanding the data landscape, adopting a custom approach that is specific to their portfolio needs. It is important to study the pre-default behavior of customers in the context of the various data elements.

Decrease NPL

Chance to Take Appropirate Action

Risk Modelling

Advanced credit risk analytics enable corporations to improve underwriting decisions and increase revenues while reducing risk costs. System Optima helps you minimize your risk and catch new business opportunities with its innovative risk models and applications developed with its state-of-the-art techniques.We work across all application scorecard, income prediction, PD, CCF, EAD, LGD, early warning and bad debt portfolio pricing credit risk models and the entire credit life cycle, including profit maximization, limit maximization and loss mitigation.

Increase Profit

Decrease NPL

Auto Decision-Making Process

Take Fast Data-Driven Action

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